University of the Sacred Heart Gulu


Financial Literacy at the service of healing: contributing to holistic health

The University envisages a financial literacy training that can not only empower people in northern Uganda, but also help contribute to some understanding, empathy and heal /restore relationships that could have been strained on the basis of resource scarcity and utilization.

Additionally, children and partners may be placed in better position to appreciate the importance of supporting the parents, spouses, etc. in addressing financial /resource challenges instead of making these challenges become conflict triggers. Participants can also be empowered to appreciate the challenges such as the rampant resource drain by games of chances (sports betting, etc.)

USHG in collaboration with Centenary bank is conducting a Financial Literacy Training for the youth of Gulu Archdiocese from 19th to 21st September 2018. The training will take place at the University Campus.

University of the Sacred Heart Gulu

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University of the Sacred Heart Gulu
P.O BOX 374
Next to St. Joseph's Catholic Cathedral
Gulu West Division, Gulu City, Uganda
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